In the beloved homeland of Indonesia Raya, not a few users of motor sport 150-250 cc spend tens to hundreds of million dollars so that the motor has performed well, while on the other hand there are no rare or may do it on the motor underbone 150 cc.
Whatever his reason so it is rare, though not much in Indonesia that the modification underbone 150 cc up to spend a hefty fund many of our neighbouring country, i.e. Viet Nam ternya
Honda Winner 150 or in Indonesia called Supra GTR 150 performing stump after many PIN part moge and the prominent part that his price was certainly expensive in underbone 150 cc, here are his specs
Alloy wheels: Ducati 1098 Michellin Pilot tires: Road 4, front 120/70/17 Rear Brake clutch 190/55/17: Race RCS19 Cone: CRG carbon Glove: Spider combination hunchback, Rizoma Cluster: Go Pro Hero 5 Black USD: 3CNC3D rear suspension: Ohlins brake Caliper: Race
Underbone: TUpaknam Thailand Muffler: Two Brother Tube brake oil: AEM titanium As complete results of his modifications
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Motorcycle fierce in the World! unexpectedly, the Super Yamaha!
Lovers of motor modifications, one way to get a motorcycle in accordance with the heart's desire is to make modifications. Is not it? Unique design motor modifications must have more artistic value and ready to dominate the street .
Today is a growing and advanced era, many new discoveries in the world of technology. .as well as in the business of motor modification or the concept of the motor of the future, many creative people who develop and design a unique motor, as quoted from the page quoted from ,
Many motorcycle lovers who want to make modifications on the motorcycle but have not found the inspiration. Well, here is the most unique motor modifications and the concept of the most frightening future motor that can be used as a reference .
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
For a motor workshop maybe this is one of the routines that many do is mengoprek motor engine to run faster and faster, some motorcycle workshop that focus to modify the display only. may have become a pride for every motorcyclist when it has a unique motor, different from the others, be it in terms of appearance or with the performance of the engine speed motor .
Below will explain the phase stage you should know in the process of optimizing or oprek motor engine in order to have a faster run and faster than before and of course the tips below can also be tried for those of you who have a motorcycle workshop isbuilt or being pioneered with your friends and teams.
Usually people who do modifications on the bike to be faster or faster than the previous run is a teenager (who still junior high school, high school) and also there are adults who have a high andrenaline to jump in the world of motor racing and people who are hobbies want to be a racer to channel their passions and hobbies most of the young, adult hobbi at the speed of the motor it will look for the best motorcycle workshop, the best motorcycle workshop that special mengoprek bike to run motor bike faster or from the recommendation of his friend .
Well of course, no wonder that there are many people who want to know how to modify, mengoprek bike to have a faster speed than ever before. actually if you already know the technical things in motor engine engineering and all about the motor course would not be difficult to practice it. Essentially you have the knowledge
Stage How to Make / Modify Motor To be Tighter and Fast
Below will explain the phase stage you should know in the process of optimizing or oprek motor engine in order to have a faster run and faster than before and of course the tips below can also be tried for those of you who have a motorcycle workshop isbuilt or being pioneered with your friends and teams.
Usually people who do modifications on the bike to be faster or faster than the previous run is a teenager (who still junior high school, high school) and also there are adults who have a high andrenaline to jump in the world of motor racing and people who are hobbies want to be a racer to channel their passions and hobbies most of the young, adult hobbi at the speed of the motor it will look for the best motorcycle workshop, the best motorcycle workshop that special mengoprek bike to run motor bike faster or from the recommendation of his friend .
Well of course, no wonder that there are many people who want to know how to modify, mengoprek bike to have a faster speed than ever before. actually if you already know the technical things in motor engine engineering and all about the motor course would not be difficult to practice it. Essentially you have the knowledge
Stage How to Make / Modify Motor To be Tighter and Fast
- Piston
Sparepart motor this one is certainly for the motorcycle workshop or people who understand the motor is the most important thing to make the motor has a faster run again. in the selection of pistons to mengoprek engine to run faster then you try to choose a piston motor that is lighter than the standard or can do its own oprek on the piston. for a lighter piston you should cut the bottom of the piston and also try to piston the oprek to be larger diameter than the standard piston. the purpose of doing so is to have extra power on the kick machine and this is certainly already a secret to accelerate the pace of engine rotation so much lighter because it is lighter and make the motor speeds getting faster .
2.Combustion chamber
Next is to do the settings on the combustion chamber. To get a faster motor speed of course also requires the motor intake hehe for more extra generated power. for the way that you can narrow the volume of combustion chamber by cutting the cylinder head, for cutting the cylinder head you can use the grinding machine so that later kmpresi can increase and automatically increase also the speed of your motor speed .
3.Rinsing holes
The next step you can do is in the flushing hole, so the analogy is that the more gas that is inserted the gas density becomes higher then the compression pressure of the motor goes up and combustion becomes even better. to do that is in the flushing hole (insertion) you can expand again so that the amount of new gas coming in more. well in the expansion of the rinsing hole then you should be able to position it normally by adjusting the modifications on the component / part another meaning is that there is a balance of change on the other part also because if you are wrong in formulating this then it willcausing your motor to can ask the more skilled person to make modifications to this section.
4.Motorcycle ignition modification
In terms of modifying the speed, the role of motor ignition is also very important, the goal is to increase the voltage ignition by adding electric power. Most motors are generally supplied with 6 volt voltages, so you have to convert them to 12 colt. by increasing the voltage it will affect the speed of a faster motor and motorcycle lights will also become brighter, and also spark spark on the spark plug will become bigger .
5.Rocker Arm
To move the motor in the next stage is to make changes in the rocker arm or commonly referred to as the pounding arm of the valve where this component has a function to forward the movement of the push rod or from the pam shaft, with the way the valvecan open and close.for the selection of good and good rocker arm that is looking lighter and stronger. If the cutting on the rocker arm is too excessive it will result in the rocker arm being more easily broken and will also impact on motor engines that quickly break down
6.gear wheel
And for the last stage in terms of accelerating a motorcycle that is changing the gears on the motorto get the desired speed you can change the rear gear is replaced with a smaller diameter, then if the gear is replaced with a smaller then the goal is none other than to shorten the rotation of the rear wheel rotation with shorter chain position thanmotor standard.
For the record What you need to pay attention to.
For those of you who already know the basic about the motor or have been able to practice how to make the motor become faster or faster, please do not to do the race on the road, on the public road, because it will endanger other motorcycle riders, or for yourself besideswill also interfere with the comfort of other riders.please always obey the traffic rules and do not racing the street kebutan because YOUR FUTURE Depends on you .
So information that discusses about 6 Powerful Tips How to Make Motor Tight and Faster, hopefully the above information useful .
Monday, June 4, 2018
Color Cable On Motorcycle, Do not Make Any of It Check This First!
Every vehicle either car or motorcycle has its own electrical system. Similarly, every motorcycle manufacturer, has a color code respectively. So that we know how to read electric diagrams or read cable functions we need to know the color code of each manufacturer .
On this occasion pamores will memebrikan color code every motor manufacturer that exist, pay attention and check in your vehicle each true or not .
1.Yamaha motorcycle
2. Honda motorcycle
3.Suzuki motorcycles
4.Kawasaki motorcycle
Please be equated according to motor of pamores respectively, if there is difference of data let us discuss dikolom comment .
On this occasion pamores will memebrikan color code every motor manufacturer that exist, pay attention and check in your vehicle each true or not .
1.Yamaha motorcycle
2. Honda motorcycle
3.Suzuki motorcycles
4.Kawasaki motorcycle
Please be equated according to motor of pamores respectively, if there is difference of data let us discuss dikolom comment .
Harley Davidson V-Road, But Yamaha Scorpio Mods! Indonesia modification
Modifications on motorcycles has become a trend since a few years ago, do not play the world of development modifications can be said very rapidly in Indonesia. the name of the modification of course a variety of its types, there is just a replacement livery innate to custom bike is available, provided there is a modification fee can be done
(05-05-2018) amazed and disbelieving to see a unit of Harley Davidson (kw) motor where the original motor is Yamaha Scorpio that has been modified in such a way to resemble the look of Harley Davidson V-Road, following the results of his modifications .
To look like the look of Harley Davidson V-Road then not just just a body that is in change, but the engine was given a cover made of fiber glass to match the theme of modification and seen that the motor look muscular like a Harley Davidson V-Road
While the cost of modifications spent on such cool results can be said to be not too expensive to spend only about 25 million an, I think the cost is not too expensive for such a cool result
(05-05-2018) amazed and disbelieving to see a unit of Harley Davidson (kw) motor where the original motor is Yamaha Scorpio that has been modified in such a way to resemble the look of Harley Davidson V-Road, following the results of his modifications .
To look like the look of Harley Davidson V-Road then not just just a body that is in change, but the engine was given a cover made of fiber glass to match the theme of modification and seen that the motor look muscular like a Harley Davidson V-Road
While the cost of modifications spent on such cool results can be said to be not too expensive to spend only about 25 million an, I think the cost is not too expensive for such a cool result
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Powerful way to Fix Motor Dry Batteries
Dry battery can be called as battery MF Battery (battery maintenance free), because by using dry battery we are easier to do the maintenance and also free positioning slanted or upright will not be a problem.
dry batteries and wet batteries actually have the same functionality in terms of amperage capacities ranging from high to low and the difference only in terms of efficient course. but when compared with wet batteries, MF batteries have a pretty good advantage because the material using special spare parts that resist corrosion. But if seen from the price of dry batteries a little more expensive than wet batteries .
We need to know that when using a dry battery, we also need to learn how to fix it. Because without knowing it we will spend a very expensive cost to repair the battery. things to note before making a repair or battery service is to prepare some tools and materials to be used. Tools and materials are not complicated and very easy to get. Here are some tools and materials that need to be prepared:
•Fluid Accu
•Plastic glue
•Plastic injections / SPED
Find a new battery liquid and usually used to fill the new battery. Because usually the composition of the battery water is different from that used to increase the battery. Using a used ink or other used printer ink is also allowed. after the tools and materials are ready, following step steps how to fix the dry battery. (read also: smoke discharge on the motor)
Cara Memperbaiki Aki Kering Motor :
1. Disassemble the battery
The battery to be repaired should be cleaned first. Clean the outside of the battery, so that the dirt or material that sticks to the battery is lost. How to clean it with a cloth that has been provided. After cleaning, it's time to open the battery .
How to open it quite easily by using a screwdriver. Congkel is the battery cover until it opens. It takes power to pry the battery, especially the lid on the battery is difficult to open. the most important at the time of the process of opening the battery do not break, difficult to cause the battery leak. (read also: side oil function on motorcycle)
And if it gets damaged it will be difficult to replace it because its spare parts also do not exist. Can also be done with modifications but it takes a long time and less efficient .
2. Charge the Battery Water
Then after the battery cover open prepare the injection and also a washcloth that has been provided. At the time will fill the battery check your battery first. Make sure already open the rubber hole on the battery. usually there are about 3-10 holes rubber depending on amperenya capacity .
The more the rubber hole the greater the amperage capacity and there are many cells in it. For the way of charging is, prepare the battery water and make the battery water on the injection. then if already insert the injection that contains the battery water into the rubber hole on the battery with a distance of up to 1cm below the hole. Do the filling until evenly and try full .
If it is tightly sealed rubber parts and make sure it is not easy to reopen. Check the battery that has been filled then try to close tightly and there is no leak on the battery. After the charging process is complete, reattach the battery cover so that the battery looks like new. make sure the closing is tight. If the lid is cracked or a little damage can be attached to the plastic glue you have provided. (read also: how to overcome difficult motor distarter)
3. Mengisi Daya Listrik Aki
The next process that will be done is to fill the power voltage or jug can be called giving stun on the battery. This process is a charging process, the same thing when we are charging hp or laptop with adapter. But in addition there is also more charging battery using a motor battery. so there are 2 ways that is with the battery and use other motor batteries. (Also read: causes of wasteful motorcycles)
• Fill the battery
The first is how to charge the battery by using battery charger. Using a battery charger adapter is very efficient in charging it. This tool is the same thing with the transformer used in cas hp or laptop. However, in the case of battery life and amperage capacity must be larger .
Tools have been widely sold by the seller of the battery and widely used by the service of battery stun and battery service workers. The same way with the process of charging like you do on hp dll. better when using this method is an indicator if the power is fully charged to the battery and the battery is ready for use. (read also: excess tires filled with nitrogen)
• Jamper on Motor Battery
Next is how to jamper on other motor battery. Keep in mind that if using this method should see the resources used in the battery prime. The way to do with menjamper battery and turn on your motor vehicle. Turn on the machine in less than 30 minutes to 1 hour
Using this method is not as efficient as using cas. With jamper on other motorcycle batteries, there is at least some initial power for the battery that will be charged before being used on your vehicle. after you fill and you plug in your motor, try to also do the motor machine in a stationary position before you use another device on your motor to the position of the battery used stable. (read also: most big and cool motor)
Dry batteries that are currently often used on motor vehicles are notoriously anti-maintenance, but all things certainly have an active period or duration of use. One to see the time period of this battery by checking regularly in terms of cleanliness. as good as any battery that we have if not on guard will be quickly damaged.
Keep batteries clean routinely needs to be done then try before memakain vehicle be sure to melakukn heating to the vehicle engine. This applies to all vehicles, motorcycles and motorcycles that use dry batteries or MF batteries, especially. check also vehicle fuses, both in the arrangement of the cable. If a little looks chaotic then it will cause a zipper on your motor vehicle .
So some How to Fix Auto Dry Battery. Indeed, by doing some of the above does not guarantee that the repaired batteries like new again. but if we look and follow the appropriate way above will get maximum results on the battery as long as it does not happen on the fatal physical damage to the previous battery. May be useful.
dry batteries and wet batteries actually have the same functionality in terms of amperage capacities ranging from high to low and the difference only in terms of efficient course. but when compared with wet batteries, MF batteries have a pretty good advantage because the material using special spare parts that resist corrosion. But if seen from the price of dry batteries a little more expensive than wet batteries .
We need to know that when using a dry battery, we also need to learn how to fix it. Because without knowing it we will spend a very expensive cost to repair the battery. things to note before making a repair or battery service is to prepare some tools and materials to be used. Tools and materials are not complicated and very easy to get. Here are some tools and materials that need to be prepared:
•Fluid Accu
•Plastic glue
•Plastic injections / SPED
Find a new battery liquid and usually used to fill the new battery. Because usually the composition of the battery water is different from that used to increase the battery. Using a used ink or other used printer ink is also allowed. after the tools and materials are ready, following step steps how to fix the dry battery. (read also: smoke discharge on the motor)
Cara Memperbaiki Aki Kering Motor :
1. Disassemble the battery
The battery to be repaired should be cleaned first. Clean the outside of the battery, so that the dirt or material that sticks to the battery is lost. How to clean it with a cloth that has been provided. After cleaning, it's time to open the battery .
How to open it quite easily by using a screwdriver. Congkel is the battery cover until it opens. It takes power to pry the battery, especially the lid on the battery is difficult to open. the most important at the time of the process of opening the battery do not break, difficult to cause the battery leak. (read also: side oil function on motorcycle)
And if it gets damaged it will be difficult to replace it because its spare parts also do not exist. Can also be done with modifications but it takes a long time and less efficient .
2. Charge the Battery Water
Then after the battery cover open prepare the injection and also a washcloth that has been provided. At the time will fill the battery check your battery first. Make sure already open the rubber hole on the battery. usually there are about 3-10 holes rubber depending on amperenya capacity .
The more the rubber hole the greater the amperage capacity and there are many cells in it. For the way of charging is, prepare the battery water and make the battery water on the injection. then if already insert the injection that contains the battery water into the rubber hole on the battery with a distance of up to 1cm below the hole. Do the filling until evenly and try full .
If it is tightly sealed rubber parts and make sure it is not easy to reopen. Check the battery that has been filled then try to close tightly and there is no leak on the battery. After the charging process is complete, reattach the battery cover so that the battery looks like new. make sure the closing is tight. If the lid is cracked or a little damage can be attached to the plastic glue you have provided. (read also: how to overcome difficult motor distarter)
3. Mengisi Daya Listrik Aki
The next process that will be done is to fill the power voltage or jug can be called giving stun on the battery. This process is a charging process, the same thing when we are charging hp or laptop with adapter. But in addition there is also more charging battery using a motor battery. so there are 2 ways that is with the battery and use other motor batteries. (Also read: causes of wasteful motorcycles)
• Fill the battery
The first is how to charge the battery by using battery charger. Using a battery charger adapter is very efficient in charging it. This tool is the same thing with the transformer used in cas hp or laptop. However, in the case of battery life and amperage capacity must be larger .
Tools have been widely sold by the seller of the battery and widely used by the service of battery stun and battery service workers. The same way with the process of charging like you do on hp dll. better when using this method is an indicator if the power is fully charged to the battery and the battery is ready for use. (read also: excess tires filled with nitrogen)
• Jamper on Motor Battery
Next is how to jamper on other motor battery. Keep in mind that if using this method should see the resources used in the battery prime. The way to do with menjamper battery and turn on your motor vehicle. Turn on the machine in less than 30 minutes to 1 hour
Using this method is not as efficient as using cas. With jamper on other motorcycle batteries, there is at least some initial power for the battery that will be charged before being used on your vehicle. after you fill and you plug in your motor, try to also do the motor machine in a stationary position before you use another device on your motor to the position of the battery used stable. (read also: most big and cool motor)
Dry batteries that are currently often used on motor vehicles are notoriously anti-maintenance, but all things certainly have an active period or duration of use. One to see the time period of this battery by checking regularly in terms of cleanliness. as good as any battery that we have if not on guard will be quickly damaged.
Keep batteries clean routinely needs to be done then try before memakain vehicle be sure to melakukn heating to the vehicle engine. This applies to all vehicles, motorcycles and motorcycles that use dry batteries or MF batteries, especially. check also vehicle fuses, both in the arrangement of the cable. If a little looks chaotic then it will cause a zipper on your motor vehicle .
So some How to Fix Auto Dry Battery. Indeed, by doing some of the above does not guarantee that the repaired batteries like new again. but if we look and follow the appropriate way above will get maximum results on the battery as long as it does not happen on the fatal physical damage to the previous battery. May be useful.
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Severe & Motorcycle Burned accident! Ducati racer is forced to absent in Mugello MotoGP?
Bad news is covering one of the Ducati Avintia Racing Satellite Team racer, Tito Rabat. He suffered a terrible accident on a MotoGP test that took place at Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Spain, Wednesday (23/05/18) .
He suffered the accident at the last corner of the circuit, which caused him to be willing to be taken to the hospital, while his steed issued a fire large enough to rub against asphalt and gravel around the circuit .
After getting seriously enough treatment from a medical examiner at Quiron Dexeus Hospital in Barcelona. She was diagnosed with a 3rd degree of rupture from the inner flexor radius. then, the second level of muscle rupture of the ulnar carpal flexor, the ulnar nerve contusion, and bone swelling in the epitroclea or olecranon launch from (25/05/18)
For that, the Spanish passport driver has to undergo treatment for the next 9 days after the accident with Dr. Xavier Mir so as not to be in danger of missing the race in the 6th series which will take place on 1-3 June 2018 at Mugello Circuit, Italy.
the news of the absence of Tito Rabat in MotoGP Mugello is still a mystery to us all. Hopefully he can recover from the injury suffered and can return to paving, it's looking at the positive trends that exist in him .
Currently, Tito Rabat is in 11th position standings with Raihan as much as 24 points.
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